
Friday, February 14, 2014

DIY: Brush Cleaner Spot Spray

Here is a quick DIY for a Brush Cleaner Spray and you only need 5 items that you probably already have lying around at home!

          Materials Needed:

          *1 Cup water (dilute)
          *1/4 Cup Alochol (disinfect)
          *1.5 Teaspoon Dishwashing Soap (cleanse)
          *Few drops of Olive Oil (condition)
          *Empty Spray Bottle

Mix all the ingredients together and pour it into the bottle. I poured the rest into my Mac's empty brush cleaner bottle. 

I tested it out on my Sigma F80 Brush that was extremely dirty (it needs a deep cleaning asap) but it did a pretty good job!

Here is the video:

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